There will be no explanation needed on how search result will help you to make money online. However selecting a domain can be very distorted as many people are looking for the same name. That is why good domain name can distinguish you from millions of others webmaster. Well nothing is simple now days.
To make money online, a lot of traffic needed. In order to get tones of traffics, getting indexed by Google one of the solutions. So when purchasing a domain make sure to purchase from provider that can get you indexed within few days such as
Domain need to be short. Three keywords will be recommended. For example is a good domain name if keyword targeting is to make money online.
Try to prevent including dash or number on your domain name. However there is a circumstance where dash can be helpful on Google search result. If you are using Blogger as your make money online platform, using dash such as can help you to increase your search result.
For the conclusion, to make money online we need to put or give a lot of thought on the domain name to make sure the result is optimum.
Registering domain name is usually one of the biggest headache I got because almost 99% of the domains I want are taken. And most of them are by those domain resellers who don't even make use of the domains.