Is it the perfect time to quit job and concentrate on make money online full time? Whilst the gloomy of world economy still far from it recovery, it is not a wise decision to jump on to another without any back up. Even if you are receiving a five figures income from the internet, it is still a risky decision to make.
The main objective to make money online is to increase my household income in order to have a better life in the early age. Sub-objectives are as follows, to have my own time and be able to spent time with my family 24/7, and to help others by posting a relevant topics in order to make internet the better place to generate income.
But if the first objective fail, then the second and other possible objectives will not be completed.
Think of your internet income as a supplementary to your household income. Most people always wanted to cash in massive income on the internet. Well, they are not the one to be blame. A lot of advertisement on the market advertise their campaign with a massive income generating campaign on it.
The true is, the money we get just average. They are peoples who generating five figures income every months but the numbers are too little to be proud of. Or probably they just got lucky.
The only way to quit job is to establish a passive source of income. Investing in financial institutions like credit unions or government scheme might help you to build a good passive income. It might be slow to make you rich but safe. Avoid to invest in a high return investment that you are not sure about the company, or their investment portfolio or you will turn up to lose money to another Ponzi Scheme.
The main objective to make money online is to increase my household income in order to have a better life in the early age. Sub-objectives are as follows, to have my own time and be able to spent time with my family 24/7, and to help others by posting a relevant topics in order to make internet the better place to generate income.
But if the first objective fail, then the second and other possible objectives will not be completed.
Think of your internet income as a supplementary to your household income. Most people always wanted to cash in massive income on the internet. Well, they are not the one to be blame. A lot of advertisement on the market advertise their campaign with a massive income generating campaign on it.
The true is, the money we get just average. They are peoples who generating five figures income every months but the numbers are too little to be proud of. Or probably they just got lucky.
The only way to quit job is to establish a passive source of income. Investing in financial institutions like credit unions or government scheme might help you to build a good passive income. It might be slow to make you rich but safe. Avoid to invest in a high return investment that you are not sure about the company, or their investment portfolio or you will turn up to lose money to another Ponzi Scheme.
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